Siccin 4

Sijjin is a supernatural horror film series from Turkey debuted in 2014. The title of this franchise is derived from the Arabic word Sijjin (سِجِّين‎) meaning either a book that lists the names of the damned or a prison, located in the bottom of hell. However, the word's origin is unknown. It appears in the Qur'an in Surah 83:7–9. A similar word (Sijill) appears in 21:104 often translated as 'scroll'.


Due to financial problems, Yilmaz family moves in their grandmother Saadet's house. But Saadet is not living alone as known. Saadet's old house, which is also a tomb of her deceased husband, is inhabited by beings from another dimension. And this beings don't want anyone in the house, but Saadet.

The highly anticipated trailer of "Siccin 4", the new movie of Alper Mestçi, the master director of horror movies, has been released. The fourth film of the series will be on the screen on September 1 with the distribution of TME Films.

Alper Mestçi, the winner of the "Best Horror Movie of the Year" award with every movie of the Siccin series, has the remarkable words of the "The most horrible movie in the series" on the poster of Siccin 4. Mestçi stated that they tried to increase the dose of fear in every movie, while Siccin claimed that they carried this dose too far and would leave people sleepless for days.

The cast of Siccin 4, which is produced by the magnificent Tözüm, includes names such as Mirza Metin, Yasemin Kurttekin, Sebahat Adalar, Yasemen Büyükağaoğlu, Mana Alkoy, Merve Ateş, Muhammed Salih Gönültaş, Kıvılcım Kaya, Aslı Sevi and Adnan Koç.

The summary of Siccin 4 is as follows: Yilmaz Family, who was a rich family in the past, has to move to grandmother Saadet because of the financial problems they face. But Saadet is not alone as they think in this house. Saadet's old house, whose grave is in the garden, is owned by residents from another realm. And these residents do not want anyone other than Saadet at home.






Release Date:

 1 September 2017 (Turkey) 

Also Known As:

 Сиджин 4 

Filming Locations:

 Istanbul, Turkey